See the unknown

The favourite part of my day getting out of bed..

It's when I get to get the day kickstarted & underway.

A lot of people ask about what podcasts or books I listen to on my walks, Aka "what is my choice of distraction."

I'm usually met with a strange face or response, when I tell them I don't really listen to podcasts at all right now... 

in fact, I've been enjoying listening to nothing at all at the moment. 

Being with myself was jarring at first... Uncomfortable even.

But I've grown into the silence. It's my 'meditation'. As I sink into myself, I put my body into cruise control and head down the path. 

Comfort and insulation creates an environment where my thoughts flow. Sometimes they cascade like a river. Other times it feels like they're trapped in a whirlwind.

Either way, I welcome them in.

Lately, I've been thinking deeply about a lot of stuff. Pain, suffering, growth, contending with life, truth. Science, family... the list goes on. 

This morning I ran into an idea that I found to be profound.

I was thinking about pain and its relationship with the truth.

I was wrestling with why we avoid pain and why we fear it. I was also trying to understand why we lie to ourselves, and just as importantly, to others.

That old saying comes to mind: "The truth hurts." Maybe that's why we avoid the truth. The pain required to reveal the truth is often too difficult to face.

The more I think about it, the more that seems to reconcile in my mind.

But that also means that if you don't embrace the pain, you don't find the truth.

And if you don't seek the truth, you can't contend with life.

Most of the time, it's easier to lie than contend with reality.

To face it.

Maybe it's why we struggle to lie to ourselves in the moments when we need to rise up to the occasion and seize the opportunity. 

Big Training Session?

Time to measure your progress?

Just do not feel like getting those 10k steps in...

It's easier in that moment to lie to yourself than to face the pain of loss and failure.

I know that's what I used to do when I ran in National Athletics Events, or played for Coventry Football Club. I'd tell myself I would be satisfied with finishing and doing well, rather than risking it all in the final moments and truly committing 100%. 

It's also probably why I spent so many years lying to myself about my health. If I avoided the truth, I got to avoid the pain.

Sure, I have the experience, years of practice and education, and a unique skill set to face the unknown. But like any protagonist in a story, facing the worthy foe is no joke. 

All my qualifications and experiences, are there to develop and build up The #F4F.amily Members

At least this time around, I see the unknown for what it is and can teach you how to get through.

A worthy foe I'll contend with. And as I wrestle, I will hurt and struggle.

But when I face the pain of the unknown, I'll also see the truth.

I'll find the answers and what was unknown, will become known.

And won't that be a relief?

Just a thought I was having. I hope it helps you out.



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Your Posture 101:


Are you fit to run?