One question to clarify your focus (2 min read)

Ask yourself, what will you be working on forever?

It’s tempting to get wrapped up in big floaty questions about the meaning of life — and equally easy to get bogged down in the mundane-yet-urgent tasks that need to get done NOW. But what are you really supposed to be focusing on?

I’d like to give you one question to zero in on: “What will you be working on forever?”

What, in other words, are you pretty sure you’ll never quite master?

I admit that there is something difficult to remembering to have “fewer opinions, more curiosity.”

For you, it might be sticking to a budget, slowing down in your work, or taking your career seriously. You know your own weaknesses. Pick one, and go deep.

After all — you’ll be working on it forever (and that’s a good thing).

The Details

Here’s a few other things on my running list of that which I cannot yet master:

1 — remembering not to fall for my version of events, whatever the event might be.

I have to work really hard to see that I am, like everyone else, an unreliable narrator desperate for closure. this comes up constantly in my 1:1 check-ins with clients each sunday as well —  I think therefore I am wrong.

2 — slowing down in my work so I can deliver something better, tighter, more original.

Sometimes, for me, the sight of the finish line is a dangerous thing. I see it and I want to get there now so I hit send or publish or go when really, I should sleep on it, let it cook a little, see if i can do better on tomorrow morning’s caffeine hit. this goes for my writing as well as my communications. i am embarrassed to say i have sent many emails I should have deleted immediately over the years. apologies if you were one of the recipients.

3 — fewer opinions, more curiosity. —this is a biggie for me.

I really like to lead (my clients, my friends, my partners in all kinds of collaborations) and by lead, i mean run the show. but that effectively caps everything i can know at what i already know, which isn’t nearly enough to do the things I’m trying to do. the answers are out there, i remind myself. Before i get on calls, i tell myself not to come into the meeting with a strong opinion. “hold your point of view lightly” is pinned to my bulletin board. “consult and defer while you’re learning” is another one i look at on the daily.

I could give you 10 more but i’m wondering what are you working on?

Add them to the comments below or drop me an email (click here)

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Bradley Roehrig, BSc (Hons)

Co-founder & Head Coach





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