make a simple moment EXTRAORDINARY

My friends and I will often just sit around and listen to each others favourite music while we each work on our own tasks. I was programming and doing weekly client check-ins on TrueCoach, Joe was working on his most recent university assignment, and Taylor was writing and being his always creative self.

We were singing to ourselves, mostly in our own worlds, when a song we all love called Caroline by Amine started playing. It’s the type of song you’d be able to sing and dance along to all-day with a smile on your face.

I stepped away from my laptop and jokingly started dancing, my hands in the air as if I were dancing with someone. It hadn’t even been five seconds before both of my friends noticed and joined in. Soon enough, the three of us were moving in a circle, dramatically and in sync, like they do in the movies.

My friends started moving like crazy dancers, and as the song reached the end, Taylor pretended to pick up Joe and throw him in the air. At this point, I was laughing so hard, I could feel my abs strengthening.

It was a simple moment. It was nothing. It was everything.

How to Make a Single Moment More Extraordinary

In our busy, goal-driven society, it’s easy to overlook the delight found in the little moments. We try to achieve so much in so little time that the beauty of life itself gets lost.

Here’s how you can turn any mundane moment into a memorable event.

1. You pump it up a notch

A few years ago, another group of friends and I wanted to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events (the Netflix series) together. Instead of just throwing it on the TV and sitting in bed to watch it, as usual, we turned it into a movie night type of event.

We grabbed our blankets and laid them on the floor, moved the tv in front of us (it wasn’t a big tv), and threw pillows against the side of my bed to lean back comfortably. We grabbed some snacks, turned off all the lights, and squished together to watch the show for a few hours. I’ve watched a lot of shows, some with my siblings or my parents, but none of them are memorable like that one.

You can turn a game night into a competition. Instead of just listening to music, dance with your partner (or your cat, whichever’s closer). Don’t just watch your kids play at the park: bring a picnic and a basketball and make use of the basketball court.

“Romantasize your life” I say

“…life is lived not in the action sequences and the climaxes and the dramatic events. It’s lived scene by scene, line by line, the camera focused wholly on you, the main character, at all times. Whatever you turn your gaze to gets picked up in the frame, so shine a little light on it would ya?”

It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to spend days organizing it. Whatever moment you have, be there, and then get creative. Have fun. For yourself. With your partner. With your kids. With your friends. The possibilities are endless.

2. Acknowledge how you feel about the moment

Sometimes it’s not about figuring out how to make a moment better but acknowledging the greatness of that simple moment.

The other morning, I was sitting at the table writing up some affirmations for the day, just as I do most mornings. It was cold, I was wearing my fluffy hoodie and drinking coffee. There was nothing special about that moment — at least, it didn’t look like it. But at the time, it felt like one of the greatest moments in my life. I was so relaxed and focused that morning. I was doing what I loved. The coffee was amazing.

I can think of a few ways that moment could be better: If I’d been working in my own office, instead of the living room table, while my spotify daily drive playlisy played in the background, for example — that would’ve been great. There might even be moments that are better. Like, what if this article went viral? What if it made me $1,000 in thirty days? That would be special.

That’s the issue: your situation can always be better. But if we think about that, we’d rarely be content and fulfilled with our lives. It’s no surprise that Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in the last fifty years.

If I was too focused on finishing this article and publishing it and hoping it gets traction, I wouldn’t have realized what an amazing moment this is.

The Undeniable Truth About Happiness

The day you get the job of your dreams, the day you get married, the day you get the promotion, that’s going to be such a great day for you. The problem is that by waiting for that day, by keeping your eyes locked on the future, you’re missing out on all these beautiful moments that are happening in real-time.

You’re waiting to be happy, but the truth is: it doesn’t take that much to be happy. It’s so much more simple, which can be scary and relieving at the same time. David Ludden, Ph.D. says that “moods are actually quite easy to manipulate.”

You can love bits of your life despite what the rest of it may look like.

Don’t think about what’s missing. Think about what’s in front of you right now. Think about how you feel, reading in bed, or walking around your neighborhood. Are you relaxed? Are you happy? Acknowledge that. Love that.

Life always sucks in some way or another. Have you ever actually thought, “Everything in my life is perfect right now.” Maybe a handful of times. Why? Because there’s always a problem. Always another bill to pay, another goal to reach, a different home to live in. Life is never perfect, so why not make the most of it anyway? Happiness is the absence of desire.

How All This Can Help You Solve Problems

Ridding your mind of your worries and stresses helps make your problems seem smaller, more solvable, and when it’s time for you to face that reality again, your mindset will have changed. You’ll go in thinking, “I can handle this. I can handle anything. It’s not as bad as I thought.”

Elizabeth Scott, MS states in VeryWell Mind:

One of the main problems with rumination is that when you focus on disturbing events in the past or future, you create anxiety for yourself in the present. This anxiety triggers your stress response and robs you of joy in the moment.

She also says that, “Clearing your mind can help combat rumination and may lead to better sleep, more effective downtime after work, greater focus, and increased creativity.

When you stress and worry, problems become much scarier.

It’s like when you walk into a dark room in the middle of the night: no big deal, right? Unless you’ve just watched a horror film — suddenly you feel like a demon is going to drag you across the room.

You assume the worst when you’re stressed. A problem feels impossible to solve. When your mind is clear, it’s easier to find a solution.

Acknowledging how beautiful a moment can be isn’t denial. It’s preparation. It’s like meditating or swimming in a pool all by yourself. It’s merely calming you so that you can handle the rest of your reality with a stronger, clearer mindset.

How to Find Your “Best Moment Ever”

There’s so much to be grateful for, so many moments to love, and it takes it taking a step back and realizing that right now, you actually feel pretty good.

Watching your kid laugh while you tickle his stomach? Best moment ever. Dancing with your sisters on a random Tuesday night? Best moment ever. Cuddling with a blanket and your dog while you read a book? Best moment ever.

No, you can’t make every moment special. We’re not great at finding the bright side all the time, at making ugly look gorgeous. But you can try.

Find beauty in the mundane. Even when the rest of your life is crap, latch onto something good.

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Bradley Roehrig, BSc (Hons)

Co-founder & Head Coach





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