having never been able to successfully gain weight or build muscle and strength, professional dancer Billy finally achieved his dreams with F4F


He had always dreamt of building a muscular and defined physique, but he knew that something he was doing wasn’t working because he never saw results from his hard work.

He tried to learn weight training on his own and even hired personal trainers, but the lack of results left him underwhelmed, disappointed and demotivated. 

With roles coming up that required a strong physique, capable of lifting and throwing partners into the air with ease.

Billy was at the point of giving up completely when he found FIT4FUNCTION and was bowled over by the transformation results clients had achieved with Bradley. Knowing Bradley personally he knew that Bradley has also gone from skinny to muscular and wanted the same for himself!

After years of trying, all it took was 12 weeks of DELUXE ONLINE COACHING and focus to sculpt a physique he can still barely believe is his. Billy then joined our INSIDER GROUP COACHING to continue his progress having learnt the skills necessary to individualise his training himself.

“Over 12 weeks, I gained 3kg and reduced my body fat from 24% to 9%. I never thought such a transformation was possible, not to mention that it was done in a relatively short period of time. I didn’t even know it was possible to reduce body fat, while building muscle mass!

“I am very proud of myself that I was able to pull myself through the whole process and achieved something I never believed I could do.”


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Along with building an incredible body, Billy also gained valuable knowledge that he could carry on applying even after his transformation goals were accomplished.

“The biggest benefit of doing this transformation is that I now understand the full process of what it takes to make a body transformation – discipline and determination. I always thought that just going to the gym often was sufficient. I never knew how important sleep and nutrition were to the whole equation until I experienced it myself with FIT4FUNCTION”

“One of the toughest parts during the transformation journey was keeping up with the diet and training plan. My trainer made the plan very easy to follow and also very easy to implement. Making the many changes simple was key in enabling me to implement them.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Sophie Gerald

