having to battle a law degree, a messy history with restrictive dieting and feeling pressured by social media to perform hours of fasted cardio…lein hit a dead end before FIT4FUNCTION!


Lein, like many let the fitness industry get the better of her. She’d had a tough year and got stuck in a rut mentally and physically. Things knocked her confidence and she got caught up in the hamster wheel of fad-diets & influencer fuelled programming, then feeling shit, then over restricting until starting again.

She was wired and tired at night, had a poor relationship with food and constantly feeling bloated and sluggish.

By taking stock of where she was at from a health perspective, we put into place a new set of habits and guidelines for her to build a framework off, rather than hurtling straight down the tracks towards a calorie deficit with no regard for health and the bigger picture.

For Lein, her chance of success hinged on me building her a plan that complemented her life rather than consuming it, whereas in the past she’d found herself spreading too thinly and hating what she was doing. Spending time building a solid foundation together is key when it comes to client success. Not a dictatorship.

She may have booze-fuelled weekends. She may struggle with her self-image. She may rarely track food, sometimes only completing 60% of training sessions.

But FIT4FUNCTION is not about perfection… we strive for progress!

✅ Weight-loss goal smashed losing 14kg

✅ Sleep, mood and energy levels improved

✅ Consistent habits that will last a lifetime

❌ No extreme calorie deficits

❌ No fasted cardio

❌ No removing carbs

❌ No “detoxes”

Just a proven system & a dose of dedication.

But to see just how far Lein has come you need to know where we started her journey...⤵️⤵️⤵️

Lein, like many let the fitness industry get the better of her.

She’d had a tough year; losing her job due to covid was just the start. And got stuck in a rut mentally and physically. 🧠

Things knocked her confidence and she got caught up in the hamster wheel of fad-diets & influencer fuelled programming, then feeling shit, then over restricting until starting again. 🐹

We established from the off that we had to do something about her daily routines, habits and how she approached training if she was to make the change she was craving. 🍱

She was wired and tired at night, had a poor relationship with food and constantly feeling bloated and sluggish. 🌚

By taking stock of where she was at from a health perspective, we put into place a new set of habits and guidelines for her to build a framework off, rather than hurtling straight down the tracks towards a calorie deficit with no regard for health and the bigger picture. 🏞

For Lein, her chance of success hinged on me building her a plan that complemented her life rather than consuming it.

Whereas in the past she’d found herself spreading too thinly and hating what she was doing.

Spending time building a solid foundation together is key when it comes to client success. Not a dictatorship. 🤝

She may have booze fuelled weekends.🥃 She may struggled with her self-image.🖼

She may rarely track food, sometimes only completing 60% of training sessions. 🏋🏻‍♂️

But FIT4FUNCTION is not about perfection… we strive for progress! 📈

➡️ I’d say 14kg lost, and a dramatic change to body composition is progress!

If you’re tired of falling off the wagon, tired of feeling shit about yourself and want some structure and a plan that slots into your life...

Get in Touch and Book a call…no risks, no obligations. Just a friendly chat to discuss your best option for success!


Billy Brooke


Tye Pistak