Paul spent thousands on private treatments , yet fit4function gave him the toolS to live without pain helping him return to cycling and enjoy life again


Can you tell me how you were feeling both physically and mentally before starting with fit4function?

Mentally and physically I wasn’t really in a good position. I was quite down in the dumps, my physical activity was really low, and I was in a bad place.

I constantly felt tired, unmotivated and had no energy or enthusiasm to exercise. When I tried, I would be in pain for days and this made it feel impossible to achieve my goals.

What was your diet and lifestyle like before you started your transformation with FIT4Function

My diet was very poor before starting with FIT4FUNCTION. I survived mostly on convenience foods and takeaways; all very bad food choices and no portion control.

My lifestyle really consisted of working long hours with minimal socialising, other than occasionally with I’d go out with my partner, but I could never join her on long walks and this broke my heart as it was our main past time together.

I was quite lazy, I didn’t do much exercise and I just worked all the time because of the pain and discomfort.

Had you tried to lose weight before?

I tried all sorts of diets, crash courses and “experts” I didI lose 19kg in three months spending £1985 a month on a nutritonist. Then when I finished that 3 month “crash course” I put on another 25kg over a period of just 4 weeks and ended up heavier than prior to starting.

How did your diet and lifestyle change when you started your transformation with FIT4FUNCTION?

My diet since joining FIT4FUNCTION has improved dramatically. I was quickly provided with instructions and advice on food choices along with tips on how to deal with eating out while working away from home and exercising whilst away on trips.

My lifestyle has also improved. I have more energy and enthusiasm and I think clearer. My sleeping habits have improved greatly and I genuinely feel so much better mentally and physically.

Changing my nutrition helped me in the bedroom, at work, with my kids and most importantly got me back on the back which was my main aim. Bradley helped me during the day, and his advice gave me energy and I wasn’t hungry, I knew I was eating the right foods and doing everything to progress.

It’s definitely helped me in my work life too; I’m a lot more focussed, a lot more driven and in a much better place.

I’m a lot more positive and I’m a much happier person now.

What effect did this have on your health, performance, lifestyle and energy inside and outside the gym?

My health has improved, I’m getting stronger and fitter and my energy levels are great. I sometimes have long days with early starts and I have to say that I don’t suffer from any lack of energy or motivation.

I am really enjoying the online coaching as I no longer pay for the gym but instead use equipment at home to save time and money. Bradley sets new goals periodically and is there to make sure I adhere to the programme and push myself to my limits.

DO you share in Paul’s struggles of pain taking over your life?

Get in touch with Bradley and discuss how online coaching can guarantee you success


Sophie Gerald