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Here are 5 things you should know in finding your path

  1. There IS no formula

There’s no proscribed process.

Sure, the world is hungry for guidance and direction right now, and there’s a sea of gurus and experts with their own formulas on how to stand aside from the crowd.

And, while a lot of that advice might be useful, it can never give you the step-by-step to living your own life. Only you can discover that for yourself. And that’s an emergent, creative process. It all depends on whether you commit to building it into a habit.

But here’s a thing to consider:

You are already you. 

There’s no becoming you at some point in the future once you’ve done whatever work on yourself.

You are already you.

So, listen to that inner wisdom and act on it. Don’t discount it, or screen it out. It knows. Put it out there through your behaviour and decisions, and let the process of life advise you along the way what’s working and what’s not.

2. It’s not logical

If you’re harnessing your own consciousness, you can’t use your albeit very good mind to figure out which actions or paths to take in life. There’s no strengths and weaknesses analysis required of this versus that. There are no weighted decisions to be made of one smart option versus another.

There’s no win-lose; succeed-fail. No if-then.

You are already loveable, secure, resourceful.

Trust that. Then watch to see what routes open up for themselves in you from that place. And take them.

3. It’s not about being attached to goals

Part of it not being logical, means it’s not goal oriented. It’s not planning out in advance everything you’ll ever do.

As it’s an emergent process, one of the things that loses its power, and indeed its strangle-hold over us is control.

Does that mean you should forget goals?


Go ahead and express whatever vision you have and outcomes you’d like to see. But then let them go.

If you attach too much to goals, you’re in danger of behaving too much from a “head” place. Of trying too hard. Or forcing things.

Which in turn can drown out the wise voice in you.

Totally counter-productive.

So, have your big sense of purpose and direction by all means. But engage it in whatever emerges naturally for you. And let magic weave its own wand from there.

4. It’s not about “out-there”

There’s a lot of noise in our collective machinery at the moment. Email, Twitter, Facebook, TV, adverts… Lots of people and institutions vying for your attention and followership.

Navigating your own path means having a healthy scepticism towards all of it. Get selective about what you need to attend to and what you don’t.

Allow yourself periods of time when you’re just with yourself and able to hear your own inner signal.

By the way, that doesn’t require you to do formal meditation or anything structured. (My own favourite version of this is hanging out for an hour each morning in my favourite coffee shop.)

With space to think you might come up with things that are totally left-field for you. But let them marinate. If you listen, they may begin to feel not so far-fetched.

5. It’s not about trusting

Don’t make navigating your own path a heavy affair by loading yourself with the requirement that you trust this or that.

There’s no requirement that you trust anything.

Test things. Stay in action. Experiment.


If you’ve removed the need for things to succeed or fail, you’ve removed any requirement for you to judge yourself.

So, it all becomes factual. Information. This works, this doesn’t.

Which in the moment informs what to do next and where to next to turn. Navigating your own path is an active pursuit. You’re in the driving seat. Or on the footpath. Or whatever journeying metaphor you want to use.


A lot of people say that living your own life isn’t easy. That it’s hard. I don’t know that I buy that. Maybe at one time, but not now.

It’s different for sure. It requires a different attitude and a different take on things.

But in my own experience, the more you allow yourself to hear your own wisdom and let that guide you, the easier life feels. No matter the consequences.

But what about you?

What can you share about what you’ve discovered as you’ve begun to navigate your own life path?

Have you ever thought about loving yourself as an investment? 💰

Before you leave us…


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