The FIT4FLIGHT Program


FIT4FLIGHT training System


FIT4FLIGHT training System 〰️

This is fit4flight.

Improving your physical characteristics is nothing new. You’ve seen the old footage of Michael Jordan leading conditioning sessions, Lebron’s crazy wide squat stance and even the intense training montages in the Coach Carter Movie! 🍿 

The FIT4FLIGHT program is designed for athletes wanting strength & conditioning experience.

You will want access to a general weight room, resistance bands and/or a barbell / dumbbell at home. Sleds and medicine balls are awesome for loading jumps and throws (optional but not required as adaptations can be made). 


An exclusive sneak peek


I’ve tried to put some of my coaching experience in strength and conditioning, alongside my own training to give you a full training and learning experience at your fingertips for a fraction of the price! Users receive in-depth description for each section Jumps, Sprints, Lifts and Holds (finishers). You can see exercises and adaptations are suggested, as well as sets, reps and session to session progressions. The FIT4FLIGHT full experience can then still be accessed through the FIT4FUNCTION app! 

a PDF guide to log your progress and receive detailed guidance.

Not only do you receive access to the app for 20-weeks after purchase, but you receive a PDF e-book allowing you to repeat the FIT4FLIGHT System forever. You can adapt and change sessions, while logging each rep, set and load moved!



A new progressive training plan on the app up to 20-weeks, and with the PDF program guide, you can use the program repeatedly forever! The FIT4FIGHT program gives you access to the four phases. Most athletes see great results in just one phase, it’s why inside the app experience you get predicted results every 4-weeks! This 


The FIT4FLIGHT program is our first program that includes the evidence in research, practice and my own personal experiences in one place. I’ve been developing this over 5 years of case studies and exercise testing to make The FIT4FLIGHT EVEN BETTER!


In addition to professional program design, users also get access to our guides when released in the upcoming weeks, months and years to come  developed by FIT4FUNCTION. Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV for example come next!

four days of high-performance

The FIT4FLIGHT System operates on the idea that there are key principles everyone needs to understand and follow to maximise explosive power, vertical jump and achieve high-performance.

  1. Muscle Mass

Prepare the body for maximum force and explosion by developing a strong, aesthetic physique, built for vertical gains and reduced injury risk!

More Muscle = More Force…this is the main driver for vertical jump improvements seen within our programs users and the main aim of phase 1.

2. Explosive Speed

In phase 2,3 & 4 your aim is becoming the ultimate weapon! Head turning jumps, require elite level energy usage. This means using the force developed in phase 1 and learning to use it quickly. This is where most vertical jump programs go wrong! Power requires both more force, and more speed because power = force x speed.

Specialised training methods, individualised for the elastic or muscle dominant athlete lead to significant improvements in your ability to transfer high force into energy you can use. What’s the use in being strong if it takes you seconds to use it. We want immediate impact on and off the court!

3. Explosive Force

Ever seen Star Wars? Well we want to train you to have Jedi level abilities to use the force. Turn your nervous system into an efficient machine for absorbing and producing force! Ever admired the athlete who seems to be able to throw down a huge dunk in what seems like a millisecond? Our main goal here is to improve rate of force development to make you explosive in the air and on the ground.

4. Range of Motion + Balance

Strength and balance provide the building blocks for teaching the body to move fast and jump high. The program focuses upon strengthening the glutes and hamstrings because these muscles are the prime movers that act at the hip. Research into the biomechanics or movement patterns of the best jumpers have found that the glutes contribute about 40 percent and the hamstrings 25 percent to the vertical jump. Research shows that both the squat and deadlift strength are strongly associated with vertical jump height. That is why we use them to reduce your risk of injury and maximise performance!





  • receive a fully individualised nutrition plan

  • Guidance to adapt the 3-4 workouts a week around your schedule

  • Receive individualised programming in phase 2 based on your profile. Elastic or muscle dominant. We have you covered.

  • Additional workouts for ankle, knee & hip rehab, an Athletic Mindset Guide and more.


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